For example: dark blue, primary blue and light blue are a monochromatic color scheme. These are colors that range from a pure form to a color mixed with white or black. I highly recommend black or white be one of your color choices just because it helps create contrast in your painting. They are great “safe” colors to choose for acrylic pouring because if they end up mixing together during your pour, they won’t look muddy. SourceĪnalogous colors are colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. I recommend going for analogous or monochromatic colors for your first pour because if they end up mixing together, they won’t look too “muddy”. Stuck on what colors to choose? Do a little reading up on some basic color theory and select a scheme.

Choosing Colors For Acrylic Pouring Paintings One important thing you must know about Acrylic pouring is no two will ever be the same! I did this exact technique with the exact colors and both turned out very different from each other. Here are the colors I used! You can use these or your own. You’ll also be able to download my 8 minute video demonstration seen in this online tutorial.
#Canvas pour painting pdf#
Now available in my PDF download shop! You can download this online tutorial as a PDF printable guide to view offline and ad free. Project Type: Acrylic Painting / Category: Acrylic Pouring Download This Tutorial Why is it called a dirty pour? It is because the paint colors are all layered/ poured together in one cup! This is where you put all your (pre-mixed) colors in one cup and flip the cup onto the canvas. I will only be showing you what is called a “Flip Cup Dirty Pour”. On Smart Art Materials, Olga has a GENIUS calculator for measuring the amount of ounces of pre-mixed paint you will need for the size canvas you are using. In the acrylic pouring world, there are so many techniques! You can spend weeks watching videos and soaking up all the information on all the different techniques! My favorite two artist websites that teach acrylic pouring are Smart Art Materials and Acrylic ! I think selecting colors is an important part of the creative process that takes place because you really have to think about how colors look together.
#Canvas pour painting how to#
You will also get some information about how to select colors for your acrylic pours. In this tutorial I will guide you through how to do acrylic pouring! I will walk you through how to pre-mix your acrylics to make them into fluid paints as well as how to achieve those really cool “cells” you seen in acrylic pour paintings. The actual process of doing pour painting is mesmerizing and quite addicting! Jump To Materials List How To Do Acrylic PouringĪcrylic pouring painting is the art of using fluid acrylics to pour onto a canvas (or other surface) to create unique abstract effects.